

Church Wardensimage012

Vicar and minister with responsibility for
Holy Trinity and St Barnabas Churches:

The Revd Dr Paul Monk
Assistant Curate and Vicar of St Thomas’ Church Moorside)
The Revd Denise Owen
Assistant Curate
The Revd Jane Hyde
Mrs Val Crane    Tel: (0161) 628 4977
Mr John Wolstencroft   Tel: (0161) 620 2401

Church Lay Readers

Other Church office holders

reader-scarf-blogPete Haslam image013
Pete Haslam
Lucie Reilly

Mrs Ruth Lees (emeritus)

PCC Secretary: Mrs Zoe Liles
Church Treasurer: Mrs Vicky Heaton
Gift-Aid Secretary: Mrs Vicky Heaton
Child-protection and safeguarding officer: Mrs Linda Birkby
Sunday-school leader: Position currently vacant
Wednesday-School leader: Mrs Sara-Jane Hilton
Hall manager: Mr Dan Reilly, (07788) 860764


If you are aware of safeguarding concerns please first contact Mrs Linda Birkby on (0161) 620 0534
or the Vicar on (0161) 624 7708.

Otherwise, please contact the Diocesan safeguarding Officer, Abbey Clephane-Wilson on (0161) 828 1412 or (07236) 589 606.